PGB, GPS Pipe leak repair at bellow doom roof top Q802B for TSET,PGB - 2015 Surface preparation on the leaked pipeApply fiberglass repair tape on the pipeCompleted application of fiberglass repair tape on the pipeCompleted application of Stopaq CZH tape Tank based plate repair on tank QQ802B using STOPAQ product for TSET,PGB - 2015 Completed application of Stopaq CZH tape on the tank base plateCompleted application of Stopaq CZH tape on the tank base plateCompleted application of Stopaq CZH tape on the tank base plateCompleted application of Stopaq CZH tape on the tank base plate Hybrid pipe repair on 3/4" vent point and 1/2" nipple at PGB, GPS - 2015 Apply metal repair putty on a ¾ “ pipeApply Stopac CZH & PVC tapesAfter a completed repair using MMHPRApply metal repair putty on a ½ “ pipeApply fiberglass tape & Stopac CZH & PVC tapesAfter a completed repair using MMHPR Hybrid pipe repair at 3 location for PGB,GPK - 2015 Condition of a ¾” pipe before a repairAfter a completed repair using MMHPRCondition of a ¾” pipe before a repairAfter a completed repair using MMHPRCondition of a ¾” pipe before a repairAfter a completed repair using MMHPR Hybrid pipe repair on 2" waste water line & 1/2" instrumentation vent at PGB, 2015 After a completed repair on a 2” waste water line using MMHPRAfter a completed repair on a 2” waste water line (side view)After a completed repair on a ½” instrumentation vent (front view)After a completed repair on a ½” instrumentation vent (side view) Hybrid pipe repair on 2" waste water line at PGB,GPS - 2015 After a completed repair using MMHPRSurface preparation & arrest the leak using Seals tic