• Monitoring structural integrity wirelessly  – the raw sensor data is sent wirelessly from Motes to master data controlled unit (Module) that is connected to internet gateway. Then the raw data is streamed wirelessly to the Scanimetrics’ internet cloud.
  • The data is intelligently monitored, processed and mined so that the better and accurate predicted failures can be made.
  • Scanimetrics Strain gauge sensor for example is more than capable to measure strain, and predict the failures / know the remaining life of the critical component structures. Hence, no other sensors are required to determine the remaining life.
  • Ideally, we should do maintenance by continuous monitoring where condition and parameters are always changing. The more data we receive and process the lesser the failure will occur.Hence, maintenance budget can be reduced significantly through implementing continuous monitoring on critical equipment (As we know, CBM relies heavily on frequent (even constant) data acquisition. The more data we can collect about a machine or equipment, the more accurately one can determine when the machine/equipment can fail).
  • All the hardware that includes sensors, sensor data pod, modules are smart, small, rugged and intrinsically safe. Hence, they can be applied in harsh environment and Zone 0 (class 1, division 1)
  • Doesn’t require any external supply as sensor data pod (Mote) is operated by long life battery up to 2 years.
  • Easy to install and for extreme high temperature (i.e. 600 degC), spot weld is required otherwise only epoxy glue is required to install the smart sensors.
  • Scanimetrics sensors are able to measure many parameters such as strain, crack, displacement, bolt tension, vibration,thickness, pressure, temperature, humidity and etc.
  • Scanimetrics has developed a small, stand-alone, add-on wireless system and complete solution for assessing structural integrity on heavy industrial equipment, which includes installation, measurement, monitoring, data analysis and report generation, enabling optimal maintenance decisions.
  • Scanimetrics has its own cutting edge software so called “Mote Scan” where the diagnosis and prognosis of the integrity of structure can be made. The static or dynamic loading that are measured sensors are analysed by the software. Fatigue calculation is carried out and the remaining life can be accurately predicted using this field test proven software. Hence, the result can be analysed within 24 hours.

  • Moreover, the maintenance event is triggered when the load exceeds the pre-set threshold limit. The client will receive the alarm via his handphone/ laptop / etc and an immediate repair can be made before the failure occurs.